Big news and a big bumper book. There is now a new book about Bob and it includes puzzles and stickers as well as a new story and some special poems. This is it. It's called
The Bumper Book of Bob.

These are the actual picture books Simon's written so far. You may have already read the first one,
Bob, Man on the Moon. In the second one,
Bob's Best-Ever Friend, Bob decides that he would like to find a special friend and that's when we meet Barry. The paperback editions of the books have a CD in the back with Simon reading the stories, and we're rather hoping that at some point the first one will be available as an ebook for your ipad.

The Alien Spotter's Guide has a whole collection of aliens in it and also a model of Bob's rocket made out of very strong card. Have a look at the
publishers' website for all of these.
This picture is of Bob in the local petshop from the book
Bob's Best Ever Friend. He can't see any aliens but I wonder if you can. Click on the picture to enlarge it.

And now Hurrah!!! There is a third picture book about Bob and this is a very important one because you'll learn just a bit more about aliens - and whether they really do exist. It's called Bob and the Moon Tree Mystery. You can find out where Simon will be talking about it at various festivals during the autumn by going to the "Simon's Bob talks" part of this website.
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